In the days of yore, poker chips were constructed from different substances, including ivory poker chips (1870 – 1910). These transformative changes revolutionized poker forever, setting benchmarks of excellence for the poker industry which remain to this day. Many different types of poker chips were created over the years, including clay poker chips, ceramic poker chips, and composite poker chips.
Around the time of the Second Industrial Revolution, American industries went into overdrive, and it is at this juncture that poker chips started rolling out, en masse. Unfortunately, forgers never missed a trick and that's when branding of valuable poker chips started taking place at various poker rooms and bars. Saloons hosting Texas Hold'em games in the old country attempted to standardize betting tokens used in poker games with their own substitutes. Poker players would routinely wager all sorts of valuable items such as nuggets of gold, jewellery, gold and silver coins, promissory notes, and the like. The introduction of poker chips to the gambling scene did not take place until the 1880s.